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Drugs, Brains, and Behavior: The Science of Addiction: Preface

It means making huge changes in lifestyle and creating healthful methods to stay sober. It’s important to recognize the reality of addiction and not see those with addiction as bad or deserving of punishment. The impacts of prescription drugs need to be known and dealt with.

Less than 10% of people with AUD received treatment in the past year. Stigma and lack of education remain major barriers to people getting the therapeutic attention they need and deserve. Oscar-winning actor, Robert Downey, Jr., has openly shared his journey with addiction to alcohol, … [+] cocaine and other substances, as well as his long-term recovery. Another myth perpetuated by society is the belief that only weak-willed individuals fall victim to addiction.

Myths About Recovery, Debunked

From addressing individual needs to providing continued support, we will unveil the realities of recovery and shed light on the importance of seeking help and supporting others. Join us in this compassionate environment for recovery with Sandstone Care. It’s essential to recognize that addiction is an illness that can be treated behaviorally. By disproving myths and misconceptions surrounding addiction, we can promote a more compassionate and effective approach to treatment. Waiting for “rock bottom” before seeking help can be risky and result in further harm.

There is an unfortunate stereotype that a person who becomes addicted to alcohol or drugs is a “bad” person. There are many reasons a person’s body becomes dependent on chemical substances, but it goes beyond who they are inside. The idea of putting your life on hold to enter a treatment program may seem overwhelming. You may be scared to leave your loved ones behind or worried you won’t have a place to return when your treatment concludes.

Creating a Safe Space for Open and Non-judgmental Conversations

When you give yourself time to heal in an environment that’s free from triggers, you are giving yourself a better chance of maintaining your sobriety after you return home. If an intensive outpatient program is right for you, you can seek treatment without leaving home for extended periods. Medically supervised withdrawal is a broad phrase that covers many different approaches. One of these approaches is using certain medications to ease cravings and help regulate brain chemicals while you’re going through withdrawal.

  • You could also consider outpatient programs made to let you maintain your independence while seeking addiction recovery treatment.
  • For much of the past century, scientists studying drugs and drug use labored in the shadows of powerful myths and misconceptions about the nature of addiction.
  • Educate others and spread accurate information to break down barriers stopping those seeking help.
  • Addressing stigmas online and in discussions can also help spread accurate information.

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